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Laughter In Your Love Life: Make Women Laugh and Attract Them

Would you like to attract women in your life? Then make them laugh. This is part of a Chinese quote and it is true. Women love to laugh and will do anything to have some fun one or the other way. Women will kill for someone who makes them laugh. Laughter is the key to attract them. But how do you do that?

Laughter is really important in a woman's life. If you can go to a cafe, club or a park and start a conversation with a woman you can ask her what are the three most important characteristics she likes in man. 90% of them will tell you that they would die for someone who would make them laugh or someone who has a great sense of humor. And indeed it is true. Laughter is the number one key component in a successful relationship.

Laughter is a psychological effect of humor. When you laugh changes occur in various parts of your body. In your brain, in your heart and stomach and even in your legs and arms. That is a time when your defenses are down and you become more receptive and sensitive to everything.

When you make a woman laugh, apart from feeling good yourself, you give the impression that you are a sociable, attractive, humorous human being. No woman wants someone who is boring and serious all the time. Think of a person who never smiles and is always in a bad mood (e.g. your boss). How do you feel about a person who is that serious and has no idea how to laugh and feel good?

Why do you think celebrities and stars are always laughing and look like they are in a great mood. Because they know that laugh attracts and reflects positive energy. And they have practiced a lot to laugh and look attractive.

Not all people have a strong sense of humor. Not all people can make others laugh, but it's definitely something you can develop and apply to your advantage. So what it takes to capture this technique and move you to the top of the list for most women? Practice..

The technique of making women laugh is so effective that it can change your entire life. You can start by laughing at bad situations or by laughing at simple things and even at yourself. By time you will realize that the women you talk with will laugh with you. That will boost your self-confidence to top levels and soon you will become a woman magnet. It's up to you.

Ask a friend to help you at the beginning of your practice. It's not easy to start applying the laughing technique. You need some time and a good friend can support you and motivate you when you need moral backing.

Try to imagine a picture of yourself laughing at different situations and things. Before you go to bed spend some time thinking what has happened to you during the day. Try to laugh at the funny things that have happened to you (conversations, funny sounds or other funny incidents).

Take a walk and do something that you know it will make you laugh. Watch a funny movie for example. Try to laugh out loud at jokes. What's important here is to get used to laughing. Feel your belly shake when you laugh. Use your heart and your brain. The more you practice, the better the results. By time you will develop a unique ability to attract people and especially women. The more women you can make laugh the more of them you will attract.

So start practicing! Laugh using all your senses. Listen to the sounds of your laughter. Feel the emotion. Everybody smiles every now and then. Do not just smile. Instead try to laugh as loud as possible. Turn your smile into laughter. You will eventually build a magnetism that will reflect to your great personality. You will notice that the women around you will start having positive opinion about you.

M. Mark
25 Nov 2006

Would you like the women you date and women in your circle of friends to say "I like this guy, he's so funny"? Then you need to take a good look at this
Make Women Laugh guide. It is a smart shortcut to attract the woman of your dreams in your life.

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Creating Conscious Relationships

Do you ever recall walking into a room and immediately feeling the heavy, lingering negativity after a couple has had a fight?

How can couples learn to manage those powerful emotions that can be generated between them?

To create a conscious relationship it’s important to be aware of the feelings that are created between partners, especially for intimate couples, because their combined emotions are greater than the sum of their individual parts. When couples become aware and learn to be mindful of the energy that is created between them, rather than focus on their individual differences, they are creating conscious relationships.

I’ve observed the tendency of partners to first go through the romantic phase of their relationship, where their combined conscious remains buoyant, lively and fulfilling. At this point they don’t perceive differences in each other. The feeling between these couples shines a bright light across the world and life is viewed from a beautiful kaleidoscope. During this romantic phase, couples project on their partner and the world a canvas filled with images of beauty, goodness and love. And this focus on the combined rainbow of beautiful colors catapults them into a higher consciousness.

Robert Johnson observed that falling in love is meant to be an initiation into a world much greater than the individual - it is an introduction to the ideals of love, truth and beauty that transcend ordinary life.

When couples begin to become aware of the differences and faults in one another, they fail to realize that their partner is a symbol and catalyst for the poetry of life. During the romantic phase they view each other in an idealized manner. But, months or years later, when they are entrenched in power struggles, their partner becomes a cardboard-cut-out on which they project threatening characters from their own past. Such perceptions launch soulless, automatic, rigid, right vs. wrong games that separate partners not only from one another, but from the positive transcendent of their combined consciousness.

Instead of couples wishing for a judge and jury to litigate their individual differences, they can develop tools to manage the potentially creative or destructive powers, which often unconsciously exist between them.

1.Focus on the process between you, rather than your differences.

2.Work on accepting the imperfections of both yourself and your partner, while looking for the deeper meaning in repetitive arguments.

3.Get curious about your learned patterns that you project onto your partner.

4.Learn to use the combined relationship emotions for creative life-enhancement, instead of destructive maneuvers.

5.Work to make each other’s lives larger, instead of smaller.

6.Co-create a picture of what your ideal relationship looks like and visualize that image daily.

7.Make a commitment, to yourself and to each other, to not participate in destructive interactions that can damage and may ultimately destroy shared consciousness.

In "Embracing The Beloved", Stephen and Ondrea Levine write, how in a spiritual here and now process, they view one another as, "beingness" constantly unfolding. They also refer to combined consciousness as a, "beloved energy."

It can be a difficult process to transform our power struggles into creative energy. As Thomas Merton wrote, "... true love and prayers are learned in the moment when prayer has become impossible and the heart has turned to stone."

Marion Woodman describes the first time she saw her husband free of her own projections after three years of marriage, when she heard him rattling around the kitchen, attempting to poach an egg. At first, she began to think in terms of "shoulds", becoming judgmental of his inadequacy in the kitchen. Then, she let go of all judgment and became able to see him for himself for the very first time, as he stood on spindly legs in his bermuda shorts, holding an imperfect poached egg. She felt such profound love.

Learn to watch with "soft eyes." Watch without any judgment, with compassion and loving kindness.

Copyright 2005-2006 Linda Miles PhD

Dr. Linda Miles
03 Dec 2006

Author, Dr. Linda Miles, is deeply committed to helping individuals and couples achieve rewarding relationships. She is an expert with a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, and has worked in the mental health field for over thirty years. She has been interviewed extensively on radio, TV, and in newspapers and magazines. Find more relationship ideas and relaxation techniques on her web site and in the award-winning book she co-authored, The New Marriage: Transcending the Happily-Ever-After Myth, and Train Your Brain: For Successful Relationships, CD.